Our Approaches

One-on-One Coaching and Mentoring Sessions
The one-on-one coaching and mentoring sessions are personalized support, dedicated to individual students' needs. Here, Dr. Ayo creates a safe, confidential, and supportive environment where students can spend quality time thinking about their academic, personal, and professional goals as well as the results of their soft skills assessment test. Dr. Ayo will help you explore where you are now, discover where you want to go and identify strategies to get there. This takes place every Wednesday.
Group Coaching and Interactive Workshops
Students learn best when they are active, engaged, and work in groups. So, a lot of importance is placed on social connection, peer learning, and group activities. We use blended and interactive learning methods with discussions, role plays, game activities, edutainment, and skill application, to create a learning environment where students are comfortable to explore, challenge and ask questions. The group coaching and interactive workshops are titled “Well-being Wednesdays”. The Well-being Wednesdays Group Coaching will take place every other Wednesday beginning from Block 4.

Panel Discussion and Debate Sessions
With the growing “cancel culture” in higher education, we need to prepare our students on how to respectfully interact with people who hold opposing viewpoints. So, the panel discussion and debate sessions are student-led. The purpose of our panel discussion sessions is to help students to develop vital soft skills, such as effective communication, leadership, teamwork, critical thinking, self-awareness, open-mindedness, etc. The panellists are typically 3-4 students who share their knowledge and experiences about assigned soft skill topics and provide insights to create real value and takeaways for the audience. The panel discussion and debate sessions are facilitated by one of the core team members of the Future-Ready Coaching Academy. This takes place every other Wednesday beginning from Block 3.
Our Coaching Principles and Methods
The Future-Ready Coaching Academy uses a coaching methodology based around the following principles:
Neuroscience-based – taking a brain-friendly approach to coaching and mentoring.
Process-focused – using a clear and well-structured process.
Outcome-driven – focusing on setting and achieving objectives.
Coachee-centered – putting the coachee in the driver's seat.
One size doesn’t fit all – maintaining the perspective that each individual is unique.